Letter from Santa Claus

Give Your Loved Ones a Personalized Letter from Santa Claus
📨 All letters are sent within 24 hours of placing an order.

7.99 £
Traditional Letter from Santa Claus
Exclusive Letter from Santa Claus
A letter hand-stamped with a golden seal
A festive envelope addressed directly to the child
A holiday-themed bookmark

8.99 £
Traditional Letter from Santa Claus with Santa’s Favorite Certificate
Exclusive Letter from Santa Claus

Santa’s Favorite Certificate
A letter hand-stamped with a golden seal
A festive envelope addressed directly to the child
A holiday-themed bookmark
Selected Package: , cena

Choose the letter content

Choose the letter stationery:

Letter for:
  • For a girl
  • For a boy
  • For a preschooler
Child's name in the letter content:

Child's name in the letter content:

Child's address details:
(Recipient's details for the letter)
Name and surname:

Street and number:

Postal code:



Complete the Nice Child Report
You can select up to four items from the list
Good Deeds and Achievements?
Child's Age
A Few Words from Santa to the Child ?
Add a Photo of the Child?
Choose a Picture